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Coffee by Origin
Bali | Brazil | Colombia | Costa Rica | El Salvador | Ethiopia | Guatemala | Honduras | Java | Kenya | Mexico | Nicaragua | Papua New Guinea | Rwanda | Sulawesi | Sumatra | Uganda |
NOTE: All of our premium Arabica coffees are roasted to City+ to Full City roasts, showing minimal-to-no surface oils….we want all of the flavor to stay in the beans until the coffee is ground! Despite the additional descriptors, the first flavor and aroma you'll think of is "COFFEE".
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Catch the Buzz with BadBeard's Super-Premium Coffee! We're coffee fanatics, plain and simple; we'll only settle for the best coffee beans we can buy (organic and Fair Trade certified whenever possible) and then happily roast and share the bounty. Frankly, we're kind of sick over all of the hype which riddles the specialty coffee industry. YES, it's true that great beans potentially receive their maximum flavor expression when delivered by professionals using pricey, sophisticated equipment. YES, there is still an alarming amount of "so-so" product out there--so how do you get the GREAT stuff? On these pages you can buy the finest roasted beans which are prized by coffee pros and demanding coffee lovers alike, roasted to the exact point to deliver maximum flavor and aroma. MAKE GREAT COFFEE AT HOME—YOU CAN DO IT! What distinguishes BADBEARD'S offerings is the passion and dedication to the roasting process, done by a demanding professional who keeps it real and small-scale. Great green beans go into our 5-kg per batch max, all-American-made roaster and emerge ready to tell you their story of origin. Always COFFEE first and last, and always spectacular. Period.
Savor and smell the difference an uncompromising, artisan roaster can make...then YOU can provide the hype!
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We are such perfectionists we roast one bean at a time for the ultimate coffee experience! (OK, not really)
Love us or hate us, everyone's entitled to their opinion. Drop us a line and let us know what's brewing in your cup!