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NOTE: All of our premium Arabica coffees are roasted to City+ to Full City roasts, showing minimal-to-no surface oils….we want all of the flavor to stay in the beans until the coffee is ground! Despite the additional descriptors, the first flavor and aroma you'll think of is "COFFEE".

Brazil Jazblu Peaberry 2023 washed process

Country of Origin: Brazil
Brazil Jazblu Peaberry 2023 washed process
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There's a strange magic about peaberry coffee…mere mention of it generally elicits squeals of delight reserved for baby and kitten videos on Youtube. This naturally-occurring mutation occurs inside the growing coffee cherry and results in the production of a single rather than the normal two seeds. Since it's such a small proportion of a crop, peaberry (smaller and rounder than its “normal” family is usually incorporated in the overall harvest. When buying 100% peaberry said coffee will have been separated mechanically…beans pass through a series of oscillating platforms with holes, and the smallest drop to the bottom and are bagged accordingly. There is usually little difference in the taste but it does present challenges to the roaster owing to its surface area and density.

Brazil “Jazblu” Peaberry hails from the distinctive Planalto de Bahia region and is a joint venture of Fazenda Canaa (grower Obadias Nascimento Rodrigues) and Fazenda Esperanca (grower Geraldo de Almeida Sinay). Grown around 1000 meters, ripe handpicked red and yellow catuai cherries are pulped and then undergo a 12-15 hour fermentation before sun-drying the following day. Washed-process coffees are more normative in Planalto de Bahia…most producing regions see a higher percentage of farms utilizing pulped natural and full natural process.

We really loved our first pourovers and drips of Jazblu and it is also an excellent single origin espresso…very clean cup, chocolatey and nutty and sweet-fruity (think dried apricot and raisin) as well.
 1 lb. bag $15.95 lb.

Kenyas will be back pronto!
DR Congo washed is back
Happy Holidays!!!! Peace love and joy, and a nice cuppa joe ...more
Badbeard Coffee's batch roaster 'rossalina'`
Rossalina is our small-batch roaster capable of roasting samples down to a half-pound with exquisite control. The hallmark of great coffee is consistent roast temperatures and even air flow, and Rossalina delivers on both counts.
" Kiflu Hussain July 7 at 9:09am · Surprise! surprise! I have never received a personal or official letter through my employer's mail box. This morning, the mailman came as usual and left a package on the table near the entrance to my office. I assumed that it could be something to do with the Institute I work for and addressed to our boss or the Coordinator as usual. When our Coordinator arrived, she said this is for you. Suspicious, I looked up the sender's name which is totally unfamiliar to me. Also checked from where it was sent. It's from Portland, Oregon. Although, I know two persons from Oregon, one living in Salem, the other one I don't exactly know, the package was not even from these friends. Meanwhile, I was sort of hesitant to open the package from a total stranger. But my colleague encouraged me, thus I opened it. It's from a guy who listened to my interview on NPR, The Takeaway. He told me that he's touched by the passionate discussion I had with John Hockenberry. Thus he sent me Ethiopian coffee imported from my country, as he has been in the business of roasting coffee since 2000 which inspired him to know more about Ethiopia. Well, it would be an understatement for me to say that I am encouraged by this person's kind gesture. I am also touched and humbled to have one more rich connection with a fellow human being."
KHussain, Dallas, TX
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