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NOTE: All of our premium Arabica coffees are roasted to City+ to Full City roasts, showing minimal-to-no surface oils….we want all of the flavor to stay in the beans until the coffee is ground! Despite the additional descriptors, the first flavor and aroma you'll think of is "COFFEE".

Sumatra Honey Process Mandheling

Country of Origin: Sumatra
Sumatra Honey Process Mandheling
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We are happy to offer a fantastic Sumatra “Honey-Process” Mandheling which will turn on its head the perception of coffees from this vaunted region of Indonesia. Sumatra's most special coffees generally come from the northernmost area of the island, in this case the Aceh Tengah sector of the Gayo region. Typica and Caturra varietals growing at an average of 1300+ meters are triple-picked. The milling of this coffee is from CV Yudi Putra, an enterprise which is proactively enhancing the status of Sumatran coffees thru its advanced processing methods to meet the world-wide demand for exceptional product. Below the text from importer Royal Coffee's page..

"This coffee is processed in a unique style, which we doubt is found anywhere else in the world. It begins with ripe cherries from the Bener Meriah District being run through hand-cranked de-pulpers to remove the skins. This is followed by a “dry” fermentation overnight. No water is added at any stage. On the second day, the parchment, still covered in sticky mucilage, is laid out on the drying patios. The coffee is dried to below 30% moisture content and then wet-hulled in the traditional Sumatra style, after which it returns to the patios for final drying of the green beans. So, in effect, this is a Dry- Fermented/Pulped-Natural/Wet-Hulled coffee. Definitely an advanced level of coffee processing which yields quite a unique final product."
Recovery from the tragic 2004 tsunami has been a long process…the Aceh outlands were particularly devastated and too many lives lost. We hope that the purchase of coffees from the region are part of the comeback trail. Body galore in the cup, notes of honeydew melon, baker's chocolate and strawberry, sweet &clean finish!
Out of Stock

Kenyas will be back pronto!
DR Congo washed is back
Happy Holidays!!!! Peace love and joy, and a nice cuppa joe ...more
The infamous coffee-bean cleaning-machine Jacu bird from the Amazon
If your coffee tastes like s--t, don't blame the Jacu bird! This infamous Amazon bean-machine beak-selects each coffee berry at the peak of ripeness and leaves just the beans, somewhat clean and green, to speak.
"Dude!!! Got the coffee! Thank you, thank you!!! Smells AMAZING! Can't wait to try it tomorrow (says to wait until 19th). Will report back. Opening the mailbox and having that smell come wafting toward me was awesome. My dog helps me open packages (I know, I'm indulgent. Bite me.) and he wouldn't stop sniffing it. What can I say, the pup's got good taste! "
Chris B., NYC
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