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NOTE: All of our premium Arabica coffees are roasted to City+ to Full City roasts, showing minimal-to-no surface oils….we want all of the flavor to stay in the beans until the coffee is ground! Despite the additional descriptors, the first flavor and aroma you'll think of is "COFFEE".

My Favorites:
Archipelagos Anonymous

Colombia Huila Excelso Coocentral

Country of Origin: Colombia
Colombia Huila Excelso Coocentral
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We are frankly thrilled to be partnering with Portland's outstanding enterprise Sustainable Harvest to bring you this excellent lot of coffee from the Huila department of Colombia. It has a classic Colombian profile…nice body and acidity, chocolatey, fruity and nutty. This coffee comprises three Arabica varietals which thrive in the high-altitude, shade-grown rainforest environment: Caturra (80%), Variedad Colombia and Castillo, grown on small shareholder plots at an average altitude of 1700 meters. A delish, everyday breakfast coffee.
Coocentral is a large, well-organized cooperative that buys over 10.2 million kilograms of parchment coffee from 16,625 members throughout the department of Huila, Colombia. The department of Huila is located in south-central Colombia in the municipalities of: Gigante, Garzón, Agrado, Pital, Tarquí, Guadalupe, and Suaza. This area is known for producing a higher-altitude coffee in a more temperate climate. Coocentral provides trainings and technical assistance for members, both in person and through a magazine published by the cooperative that provides market information and technical tips. The cooperative manages a wide portfolio of certifications, including fair trade, Utz Kapeh, and Rainforest Alliance. The cooperative provides credit for members. Coocentral's motto is "Una gran familia al servicio del caficultor, comprometida con el desarrollo de la región," which means "A big family serving coffee producers and dedicated to the development of the region."
The family farmers that make up Coocentral are responsible for caring for the coffee from the moment it is planted on their farms, which are an average of 4.5 acres. Most of the coffee plants range from two to nine years old. Farmers prune, fertilize, and weed the coffee before the harvest. Once cherries have reached the peak of ripeness, farmers pick the coffee and de-pulp it on-site. The coffee cherry is returned to the soil as compost. The coffee is then washed, fermented, and sun-dried on each individual farm. Once the coffee parchment is dry, farmers drive the coffee to the cooperative, or the mill. The coffee is classified and milled, and packed in 70 kg sacks for export. Coffee from Coocentral is exported via the port of Buenaventura or the port of Cartagena.
Sustainable Harvest ( has been an industry leader in equitable sourcing since its inception in the late ‘90s. I urge you to read about them on their website! Yes, some people DO make a real difference in the coffee world…
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Kenyas will be back pronto!
DR Congo washed is back
Happy Holidays!!!! Peace love and joy, and a nice cuppa joe ...more
luca gettin' jiggy with the java
Luca looking forward to his first bottle of caffeine...
"We are enjoying our morning coffee right now! Pop's Blend. Great coffee! Thanks so much for your hard work in creating the best way to start our day. "
ZEussell, Newport,OR
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