by badbeard
8. April 2009 15:47
What, you didn't know that Weinland's amazing new album "Breaks in the Sun" is getting its birthing partay this weekend at Mississippi Studios in Portland???!!! Get on it! Tix are blitzing out this week...Saturday night, April 11, two shows...doors at 7. I'll be playing on a few tunes with the bros...Check out the bar and think past the PBRs for a microsecond...there'll be a large quantity of Weinmark served, and the barfolken promise to come up with some special drinks. Weinmark, of course, is Badbeard's band tribute coffee, a sumptuous melange of world-class java processed with near-copious quantities of our favorite whiskey. Somewhere there's an archival CDBaby newsletter opining that Weinmark is the year's most unusual merch table offering.....and locally speaking (we're in there anything NOT about local??) sales of bags of Weinmark generate proportional $$$$ for our favorite local, non-profit teen-mentoring organization, p:ear ( So pick some up and enjoy, support Weinland and p:ear simultaneously. The CD's fabulous, and if you have yet to experience Weinland in concert, NOW'S THE FRIGGIN' TIME dudes!