Cold Grinds, Cool Beans...Mas Mocha

"S.O.B" blend debut locally at Market of Choice

by badbeard 19. May 2012 10:09

Tried and true and different, this week we rolled out a fun and espresso-friendly blend of three fine Brazils (from Cerrado, Mogiana and Minas Gerais) plus El Salvador Santa Rita natural process.  SOB indeed, Sweetness Obrigado Brasil! The fruit-bomb El Sal compliments the cocoa puff-chocolate-spicy nature of the Brazils and also makes a richly textured drip or pourover.

Appearing on the Market of Choice shelves in 7 of the 8 Oregon locations! (yes, Ashland peops, tell them they need to join the crowd...we can crack the Southern Oregon code together...)

Online customers, if you are interested write me at

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