by badbeard
4. February 2013 20:57
Tthe rich certified organic Flores Ngura Bajawa from the vast Indonesia archipelago is back as of this week, showing beautifully in medium and darker roast profiles. This is a washed process coffee, so don't expect any Sumatran wet-hulled funkorama's sweet and full-bodied. To highlight its versatility we have created a dark-roast version and paired it with another mahogany-roast, the Organic Java Taman Dadar. They are honorary members of "Tony's Club", where full-bodied coffees have lifetime membership.
by badbeard
21. December 2011 14:21
This year's Sidikalang-Dairi Tabu Jamu is now history. For those of you who want that taste profile and even sweeter, cleaner and more aromatic, please fear not the washed Flores Ngura Bajawa. A new origin for me and I really like it! Not a dark roast, which one might attempt with this's too much fun! Try finding it on a world map, that's entertaining as well....