Cold Grinds, Cool Beans...Mas Mocha

E. Africa treasures arrived, Organic Uganda and Yirgacheffe, Limu from Keffa

by badbeard2 24. March 2016 12:01

Great new crop offerings...a first for us from Uganda, Sipi Falls organic, a tremendous coffee, rich and sweet. Badbeard's is kicking over a share to our wonderful friends at S.O.U.L., a nonprofit working in educational and community outreach in some of that country's poorest regions. We will continue to support SOUL with all of our Ugandan offerings as they arrive...

Also excited to have Keffa Coffee's new crop YirgZ and Limu-Gera back in the rotation. The washed Limu was one of the highest-scoring coffees from that area ever handled by Samuel Demisse, a jammy fruit bomb normally reserved for natural process cultivars. Bravo. Fantastic pourover and espresso.

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