Cold Grinds, Cool Beans...Mas Mocha

Guatemala Antigua bliss is back!!!

by badbeard 5. January 2009 23:13

It has been a long road to hoe finding that traditional big-cup o' chocolate Guatemalan coffee from ANY of her many growing regions,but I think we have it, and readily available!  Hats off to the FEDECOCAGUA assemblage for this offering of Genuine Antigua Pastoral, which jolts me back to the old paradigm of such rich taste associations with that country.  BIG body, BIG chocolate and spicy notes, at last....exciting & thick cup texture, moderate acidity and complex, creamy espresso shots. 

FEDECOCAGUA is a second-level co-operative founded in 1969 to improve the position of small-scale coffee growers. It is the umbrella organisation for 19,354 coffee farmers belonging to 37 affiliated farmers’ organisations. FEDECOCAGUA provides a range of services including access to a credit scheme, technical support, transport, warehousing, and the purchase, processing and export of members’ coffee beans.  This is an exceptional coffee not to be missed.

I will be using it in This is My House! blend FOR SURE, and in fact will dig into a cup tomorrow from today's roast.....

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