by badbeard
27. August 2012 17:00
To me there's almost nothing more satisfying in the cup that a great Ethiopian...heritage has merit! The dedicated farmers there could easily sit back and produce average coffees to meet world demand but many refuse to do so. The current washed Yirgacheffe Kochere Co-operative has moved into first place in the last couple years' hauls...very cocoa-y and classical floral/bergamot notes, the latter reminiscent of Earl Gray tea. Easy cup to swig every day, long finish and nice body. The natural (full patio-dried fruit) process Limu from vaunted producer Nigusie Lemma continues to amaze in complexity, lending an unmistakeable arc to the Mondocello and Stradivarius espressos. This Limu is even cleaner...very few defects...than last year's crop, which was amazing too. Both offerings came in in GrainPro bags for long-term storage but have been flying out of the roastery.