by badbeard
26. February 2009 08:28
No, not the movie. but the convening of the 2009 US Barista championship (USBC) at the Portland Convention Center from March 4 thru 6. Should be an interesting and entertaining event, what with the new presence of the Nuova Simonelli Aurelia as the espresso machine at the forefront. I've heard generally favorable reviews of the machine from more than a few Marzocco & Synesso regulars.
On Friday, March 5 at the noon-one thirty PM slot, Badbeard's will be offering a special Deep Cello espresso blend and a Daterra espresso blend for the 4th machine station, among the many NW and other roasters invited to kick in their offerings. Stud-barista-in-the-making Ty Hauptman will be serving up killer shots and stuff, then repairing over to NE to work on his chest ink.
Thanks Phuong Tran! Good luck to all the competitors!!
PS....congrats to the Billy Wilson family on their 2 day old, 7#, 10oz capuccina, LOLA!!!!
Tags: 2009 usbc, us barista championship, barista, portland convention center, nuova simonelli aurelia, synesso, la marzocco, billy wilson, phuong tran, daterra espresso blend, deep cello espresso, 4th machine, ty hauptman, billy wilson
The Mill
by badbeard
2. July 2008 09:34
To me this seemingly sinking ship hasn't been doing much right these days, and I'm incredulous that with all their resources they can't seem to sell a decent cup of coffee. You'd have thought that with their proactive feedback loop they'd be able to calibrate something more acceptable than Pike Place Blend. I just don't get it how within their annual purchases of 300 million pounds or whatever it is the can't roast decently, but alas, it seems the swill gravy train is losing cars. With the economy shrinking and every 4 bucks counting a lot more we microroasters who NEVER put out a bad cuppa should prosper?! When will people en masse cotton onto the idea that they can make GREAT coffee in their own homes?
Fortunately for customers in Seattle they can avoid the original *$%#bucks, walk an extra block or so to Seattle Coffee Works (111 Pike St.), and get treated to something special from Sebastian's amazing Synesso machine.