by badbeard
16. May 2013 23:09
Welcome mat rolled out today for the biodynamically-produced, organic certified Fazenda Floresta from Bahia State in Northeastern Brazil. Doesn't get much better for single origin espresso cravers.
And the juicy Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Blue Nile back in stock, fresh crop just off the boat, better than ever. I LOVE this coffee.
by badbeard
10. February 2013 10:43
Arguably Brazil's Daterra Farms runs the world's most thorough, soup-to-nuts turnkey coffee operation, from seed to cup. Their Penta system assures quality control in every stage of development and the results are stunning, organically produced and Rainforest Alliance®-certified coffees. Sweet Blue is produced from exclusively Mundo Novo cultivar, which for single origin espresso offers a near-perfect balance of mouthfeel, acidity, chocolatey sweetness. We are bringing back a small quantity of this year's harvest which will arrive at the roastery mid-week (Feb. 13th). With permission of Sweet Maria's you can read a lot about this estate and see archival photos taken by Thompson Owen in his exhaustive trek of their operation from several years ago.