Cold Grinds, Cool Beans...Mas Mocha

Big Changes Afoot in 2025

by Bad Beard 23. January 2025 20:48

The new streamlined website will be happening soon...will look very different so don't feint! Will of course ask for pre-emptive forbearance for tweaks. Thanks!!!


Coffee News | The Grind


by badbeard 22. September 2024 22:15


For any of several reasons I will not be roasting for one week after 12 noon on Tuesday, Sept. 24, and will mightily do what I can to get placed orders out that day. Will commence roasting on Wednesday, Oct. 2, and proceed in order of placed orders. Thank you for patience and understanding...have no one to step in for me!

Yours in caffeination, Justin


The Grind | The Mill

Yes, still 2024 and udpates

by badbeard 10. June 2024 23:10

Sorry so slow on the upkeep of the blog! Here to tell you that espresso and drip lovers will be hyped for the two fine, direct trade Brazil naturals arriving Wednesday, June 12. Our partners at FAF (Fortaleza Ambiental Fortaleza), the Croce Family, not only produce some of the finest Minas Gerais coffees around but bring together a large network of small farms around one of Brazil's prime growing regions under the banner The Bob-o-link Coffee. Incredible environmental stewardship is at the forefront, as the eponymous Bobolink, one of the more amazing tweeties on the planet, and many other migratory bird species, comes to Brazil every year and its neotropical habitat is under attack.

The coffees reflect their commitment to highest ethical standards and practices, bean-version. We have natural process offerings from two distinct subregions.  Fazenda Sao Felipe showcases the Catucai varietal from producer Vanessa Moreno in Franca (Alta Mogiana) and the other microlot comprises Red Catuai from two Serra Dos Ciganos farms, Fazenda Boa Vista and Fazenda Joaninha.

Just delicious single origin espressos and a fine drip/pourover.


Coffee News | The Grind

Kenyas will be back pronto!

by badbeard2 16. March 2023 14:08

Hunting and pecking about for a new Kenya...stay tuned.


Coffee News | The Grind

DR Congo washed is back

by badbeard2 25. January 2023 17:09

 DR Congo Organic Kivu Virunga was one of our most popular washed coffees last year; very Kenya-like in complexity and aromatics. Harvested/processed September-December 2022, so super fresh.


Coffee News | The Grind

Happy Holidays!!!! Peace love and joy, and a nice cuppa joe

by badbeard2 22. December 2022 13:53

Badbeard's elves wish you all the best for the holidays and New Year. WE CAN DO THIS

Also nice to have a luscious Rwanda organic coffee back in the mix. There are too many special, small-lot tasty nuggets to mention, and as always, if you let me choose for you in the Special du Jour Boutique tab, you will not be disappointed.


Coffee News | The Grind

OMG Kenya Wahundura.AB

by badbeard2 24. October 2022 23:12

Dayum, this Kenya Wahundura AB is an amazingly complex, sweet-as-syrup and classic blackfruits bomb. Very impressed!

Grab some if you like Kenya/East Africa. Also forthcoming is Kabingara AA, another stellar Kenyan from Kirinyaga County.


Coffee News | The Grind

An appreciation of Painted Lady Coffeehouse

by badbeard2 5. October 2022 17:27

You have seen my pic of my favorite human bean Jill Younce in my website rotator for 10+ years, which is how long Painted Lady Coffeehouse existed until Sept. 30, 2022. PL became a centerpiece of Milwaukie community life, just the way it's supposed to happen when a generous and talented shop owner shares her spirit and goodies with the public. In the course of supplying thousands of lbs. of coffee in weekly installments, I  got to spend loads of time with Jill and her excellent staff and lively customers....not to mention all the food and treats I consumed along the way. Jill is a phenomenal cook and amazing person whose friendship I will cherish forever. We wish her the best as she goes forward in her life...she has made me a much better person with every hug and omelet and pastry.

The Hello Cafe will be taking over the reins from Jill in early October, and while the emphasis will be mostly delish sandwiches, Badbeard's will continue to provide the java. We know it is a good fit and needless to say, big shoes to fill! Love you Jilly Beans!!!!! thanks for everything....jk