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NOTE: All of our premium Arabica coffees are roasted to City+ to Full City roasts, showing minimal-to-no surface oils….we want all of the flavor to stay in the beans until the coffee is ground! Despite the additional descriptors, the first flavor and aroma you'll think of is "COFFEE".

Uganda Rwenzori Natural Process

Country of Origin: Uganda
Uganda Rwenzori Natural Process
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Uganda shares topographic assets and borders with many of the prime East African coffee origin countries: Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania and Congo,
so it should be no surprise that it has java bona fides.The eastern part of the country is better-known for specialty-grade washed coffees in the
Mt. Elgon/Sipi Falls region. The Rwenzori Mountain Range (famously known as the Mountains of the Moon) stretch 120km along Western Uganda bordering the
Democratic Republic of Congo. The magnificent snow-capped peaks and the glaciers produce many rivers. The high altitude, fertile soils and plentiful
rainfall provide perfect conditions for growing Arabica. Here, coffee is grown under the shade of banana trees. Farmers also produce cassava, maize,
beans and groundnuts for local consumption and additional income.
This Rwenzori Natural was produced at Kisinga Washing Station which started operations in 2016. This lot was hand-picked by the Bukonzo Farmers Group
in the Kasese District. Later the coffee was dried on raised African beds in poly tunnels. The Bukonzo Farmers Group is comprised of people who are
members of the Bakonzo tribe. Farms tend to be small averaging only about 2 hectares. The work on these farms is generally done by hand. Farmers work
ogether to process and market their coffee, an approach known as “share farming”. Working as a united group has helped to improve processing and
increase quality control.
Like most of our E. African natural process coffee, we're thinking pourover is best and roasting it on the lighter side of medium to accentuate the prominent grape, winey and raspberry note.
The body is medium-heavy, unusual for natural process, with a long finish.
Out of Stock

Yes, still 2024 and udpates ...more
Kenyas will be back pronto!
chilling out
Take our beans for a won't be disappointed.
"I enjoy your coffee very much! Since having to change to decaf, I had not been able to find a full body bean. Your are excellent with no bitter after taste. keep up the good work."
Nick, Ohio
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